Explanations on Craniosacral Biodynamics (CSBD)
Generally for adults and in paediatrics
The source of all development begins in the family; in the interaction between adult and child. Therefore, I accompany people of all ages, because we are all of the same origin and „woven from the same cloth“.
CSBD therefore serves to „find a common denominator“ in all our relationships and encounters.
How it came about !
CSBD can be seen as the preliminary culmination of a development that has long been an ideal complement to conventional medicine and homeopathy.The aim of the following explanations is to provide more information on this in order to integrate this approach more and more in the interests of the client; because we are living in a time of networking, which can help us all, not only technically, but above all spiritually, to meet our holistic perception even more comprehensively and with more depth.
CSDB combines experience from working with cerebrospinal fluid on the one hand with the findings from embryonic research on the other.
When knowledge of cranial breathing meets findings from embryonic research, it becomes possible to promote an interplay of formative forces in favour of a profoundly beneficial development in the human being.
It could also be described as a mindfulness-based manual therapy that is explicitly dedicated to expressing the forces that shape life. When these vital forces are supported in young bodies, they have a moulding and regenerating effect on function and structure in both the physical and social spheres.

CSB for adults and children
History: It was Dr William Sutherland who developed cranial osteopathy in 1899 and introduced the concept of the primary breath of life.
The work of the human embriologist E. Blechschmidt on the ontogenesis of the human being, written around 1950, brought together two types of knowledge. James Jealous, a student of Dr Sutherland, first gave a lecture on the subject in 1982, which resulted in the book „Biokinetics and Biodynamics of Human Development“. Today we can assume that the growth movements of the first 8-10 embryonic weeks provide us with an excellent source of information about the basic structure to which a system that has lost its balance can lean again through the primary breath.
All the forces that contribute to the development of the embryonic system also characterise the growth of the whole over time. From this it can be concluded that further foetal, pre- and postnatal development is based exclusively on the information of early morphology.
(See Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy by Michael Shea- Vol.Five-chapt. 2)
The forces that shape us are also the forces that heal us and keep us healthy.
We can use our knowledge of these functions to support the function of the metabolic fields, e.g. in newborns (or premature babies).
Craniosacral biodynamics serves to balance and regulate pressure in the fluid body, the cardiovascular system and above all the autonomic nervous system; in both adults and children.
In order to be able to influence these systems, or to be able to functionally accompany the interaction of these structures, which are apparently so different from one another, it is necessary to have sensory skills that can orientate themselves to the biological stillness in the organism in the space of mindfulness.
This happens through attunement to – and resonance with – the fluid body.
At this point, a more detailed explanation of what is meant by the fluid body is certainly needed.
However, this cannot be done in three sentences, and so I prefer to quote the human embryologist E. Blechschmidt with the statement:
„We never lose the wholeness that we once were“ !
Everything else about this can best be deepened through perception training, which is why I am always happy to offer seminars on this.
As the synchronisation of all growth and transformation processes began with conception itself, it is particularly important in phases of weakness and imbalance to restore the lost synchronicity of the inherent life forces.
Cell research teaches us that cells store memories, and so there are still traces of the memory of early embryonic wholeness.
(See Michael Shea Vol Five P.231)
The most direct route to these stored experiences is through the coccyx, brain stem, heart and blood vessels.
Dr A. Still, the founder of osteopathy, coined this now highly developed therapeutic approach around 150 years ago with the statement :
In order to promote this immanence of health, a CSBD therapist learns to resonate with the flow and pressure dynamics of the early and late metabolic fields through years of training and self-study. The path leads via the vascular and nervous system to the ventricular system,
our „control centre“,
which, among other things, is responsible for regulating the pressure between the heart and the brain.
With a little patience, craniosacral biodynamics can reconnect every adult to the silent dynamics of their original healthy potential. How much more receptive must a newborn with non-specific imbalances be to this kind of support?
Experience has shown that every illness in a newborn, regardless of its course, is a high stress factor, which disrupts the autonomic nervous system’s natural bonding. These so-called „cry babies“ usually need support in pressure equalisation, which can take place via the baroreceptors of the vessels in relation to the fluid body. (s.Michael Shea.Vol.Five, p.252 introduction…p.290 conclusion)
So if the cardiovascular system can be kept stable, even a small body can learn to feel a certain degree of safety and calm.
Of course, this must also be supported by the closest carer.
Experience shows that this can create the basis for good overall development. In addition to Michael Shea (Vol. five, see above), Etiennne Peirsman has also published interesting studies on this subject (Craniosacral Therapy for infants and babies).
With Martin E. Seligmann, it can be said that we can counteract the phenomenon of learned helplessness and that it can be prevented in this sense.
Last but not least, it is important to me that my work contributes to a healthy balance in people of all ages.